Reefcare Day Report: Digging for Turkey Rhubarb bulbs

We were a bit slim on the ground today with just Des, Merrilyn, Gen, Naomi (our Dragonfly supervisor for the day) and myself (Lisa) – and then just when we were leaving the car park, Alex and Josh turned up. YEAH!, – that made 7 of us. Maria and Julie turned up later so it quite a decent crew at the end of the day.

Because Alex likes to tackle Turkey Rhubarb there was a lovely amount of that waiting for him in the middle of the Westringa circle – his excitement which was so absolutely palpable, we all could do but nothing but follow him! So that is where Naomi, myself, Josh and Alex spent the whole working bee – and we only got about 50% done in this site despite all this time on the damn weed – so Alex will be really excited that he once again has a job and a half on his favourite work for next month. Is Alex mad or insane – the jury is out, but thank goodness for Alex. Of course, there was the competition of the largest Turkey Rhubarb found and we think it was a draw with Naomi’s big carrot and Josh’s twin bulbs.

Merrilyn and Gen had 6 plants for Julie’s area (she was not able to arrive until after morning tea), and they report that the previous plantings are all do well, and there is a high success rate. Merrilyn and Gen also planted before and after morning tea the plants that Brad ha requested. Planting takes a long time due to the step slopes, terraces need to be made and tracks for the plant to obtain water from above, and then need to be mulched – we find so often when these parameters are taken into consideration, that the survival rate of our plants are really high.


Reefcare Day Report: Weeding and Planting


Reefcare Day Report: Danish Pastries for tea while birds soar overhead