Longreef: A Haven for Birdlife
Preserving Paradise: Long Reef's Vital Habitat
Long Reef's headland grasslands and rock platform are essential habitats for diverse bird species, including migratory shorebirds and Arctic breeders. Despite habitat loss and invasive species, efforts by Reefcare volunteers and Warringah Council have increased bird diversity.
With over 140 species, Long Reef supports threatened species like Lewin’s Rail, Little Penguins, and Ospreys. Sooty Oystercatchers and others rely on Long Reef's protected environment for survival. Reefcare's restoration projects, including bush regeneration and invasive species removal, have rejuvenated habitats, boosting wildlife populations.
Long Reef's designation as a Marine Protected Area underscores its significance in safeguarding birdlife and biodiversity.
Pied Cormorant
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax varius
Bird family: Cormorants
Group: Seabirds, Waterbirds
Status: Least Concern (LC)
Pied Cormorants, also known as Yellow-faced or Black and White Shags, fly low over water in flocks, diving for fish, prawns, and shrimp. They nest in crowded colonies, crafting stick nests lined with green leaves on bushes, mangroves, or the ground, laying three to five pale bluish-white eggs in spring and summer, occasionally extending into autumn.
Great Egret
Scientific name: Ardea alba
Bird family: herons, egrets, bitterns
Group: Waterbirds
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The Great Egret, a member of the heron family, is known for its white plumage and long neck. During breeding, its bill turns black, and its facial skin becomes green, while long feathers and pinkish-yellow legs appear. It feeds on fish, frogs, and small mammals, using its sharp bill to impale prey. These egrets nest in colonies, with both parents incubating 2-3 eggs.
Australian Kestrel
Scientific name: Falco cenchroides
Bird family: falcons
Group: Birds of prey
Status: Least Concern (LC)
A Kestrel family nests near Collaroy Rock Pool on Long Reef, hunting from light poles in the mid-90s. The mother feeds her young with meat on the fence. Kestrels use cliff ledges for nesting, often hovering five meters above the ground. Their territory spans headland cliffs, golf course grasslands, and the surrounding Collaroy Rock Pool area, thriving amidst coastal landscapes.
Black Shouldered Kite
Scientific name: Elanus axillaris
Family: Accipitridae
Group: Elanus
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The The Black-shouldered Kite is a small raptor, often seen hovering for prey, mainly rodents like House Mice. It inhabits treed grasslands across Australia and nests in high trees or on structures like power poles. These kites form monogamous pairs, with courtship involving mid-air feeding. They lay 2-5 eggs, hatching in about 34 days.
White-Faced Heron
Scientific name: Egretta novaehollandiae
Family: herons, egrets, bitterns
Group: Shorebirds and waders
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The White Faced Heron, a common bird, is found alone, in pairs, or small groups near waterholes, swamps, and creeks. It thrives in salt or fresh water and may roam low-lying areas in winter. The larger White-necked Heron favors fresh water lagoons and dams, nesting on eucalypt limbs over water with three to four bluish-green eggs from September to January.
Australian Pelican
Scientific name: Pelecanus conspicillatus
Family: pelicans
Group: Waterbirds
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The Pelican, found throughout Australia and Tasmania in estuaries, rivers, lakes, and mud-flats, breeds in colonies with nests in ground hollows spaced 3-4 feet apart, and occasionally on coastal islets, supporting up to 150-200 nests; their diet consists mainly of small fish, supplemented with shrimp and prawns. They are iconic coastal birds.
Superb Fairy-wren
Scientific name: Malurus cyaneus
Family: fairy-wrens, emuwrens, grasswrens
Group: Small insect eating birds
Status: Least Concern (LC)
Superb Fairy Wrens thrive on Long Reef behind the sand dunes. Over fifty were seen one morning, but the elusive blue males are elusive. Ten family groups were observed, each with a dominant male, mate, and young. They feed on insects and roost in dense foliage at night. Breeding from August to January involves cooperative efforts among family members.
Pied Oystercatcher
Scientific name: Haematopus longirostris
Family: oystercatchers
Group: Shorebirds and waders
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The Pied Oystercatcher, seen alone, in pairs, or small groups, gathers at high tide on Long Reef Point and feeds on bivalve mollusks at low tide, using its strong red bill. Its diet includes bivalves, crustaceans, and marine animals. Nests are shallow depressions in seaweed or broken coral above high water, holding two or three stone-colored eggs streaked blackish brown.
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucogaster
Family: eagles, hawks, osprey
Group: Birds of prey
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The Sea Eagle, often seen singly or in pairs, is common over Long Reef. It has a slow, buoyant flight, seeking live fish below. Their diet includes fish, crabs, sea snakes, and marine animals. Nesting in large nests of mangrove sticks atop trees, they lay two bluish-white eggs streaked with chocolate brown, typically from August to October.
Great Cormorant
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax carbo
Family: Phalacrocoracidae
Group: Waterbirds
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The Great Cormorant is the largest of the Australian cormorants, with mostly black plumage and a white chin. It feeds on fish, crustaceans, and frogs, diving underwater to capture prey. Found in both freshwater and coastal habitats, it forms large colonies, where both parents build the nest and care for 3 to 4 eggs. Breeding occurs from August to January.
Scientific name: Gymnorhina tibicen
Family: woodswallows, magpies, currawongs
Group: Bush/Garden/Common birds
Status: Least Concern (LC)
The Australian magpie, native to Australia and southern New Guinea, is a medium-sized passerine known for its warbling song. Belonging to the Gymnorhina genus, it originated around 60 million years ago. Male magpies have white napes, upper tails, and shoulders, females have mottled grey backs. They are insectivorous and omnivorous birds.