The Rock platform – Sea grass, algae & anemones,
Long Reef Aquatic Reserve
Written by: Fishcare Volunteers Long Reef
Sea grass (Zostera capricorni)
Occurs as meadows in shallows of estuaries & coastal lagoons. Found growing in Long Reef rock pools – rare for coastal waters.
Neptune’s Necklace (Hormosira banksii)
Neptune’s Necklace is a brown alga that flourishes in rock pools & intertidal rock surfaces.
Sea Lettuce/The small alga (Champia compressa)
The small alga is a brilliant iridescent green.
Globe Algae (Colpomenia sinuosa)
Globe Algae is a permanent dweller on L.R. rock platform.
Leather Kelp (Eklonia radiate)
Leather Kelp forms a long conical holdfast stem ending with a broad flat blade. Species occurs below low-tide level.
Strap Weed (Posidonia australis or Phyllospora comosa)
Strap Weed shown growing on the shell of a Decorator Crab. These crabs camouflage themselves by attaching living seaweed to their carapace.
Anemone (tuberculosa)
Anemone also known as Swimming Anemone, orange coloured and free moving. Shown next to a Red algae encrusted shell.
Waratah Anemone (Actinia tenebrosa)
Waratah Anemone appears as a dark red blob, but when the tide comes in its full beauty becomes apparent.
Anemone (Phlyctenanthus australis)
Anemone remains permanently attached to the reef & has bulbous close-set swellings. It has reddish-brown tentacles when open.
Education Resources – Marine Life:
All photos taken at Long Reef Aquatic Reserve